Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Some Shameless Plugging

In his first post-Olympic performance, Johnny Weir is skating June 27th at Crème de la Crème with special guest Alissa Czisny and fashion host Jon Jordan. Y'all should go. =)


  1. Ok I just wrote a really cool post on this and then it erased it when I said that I had a wordpress account! -stupid!


    Ew! skeleton shoes, really-really? I am quite sure that you are not going to come to class in these.

    Also, that runway show on ice is super sweet. I would like to see that sassy Tara Banks or whatever her name is do that!

    Do you know the song "Skeleton you are my friend" by Kate Nash? I think it goes with the shoes.

  2. I wish I could come to class in those shoes... unfortunately, they're $1500. XD I looked up the Kate Nash song on YouTube--I really like it! Thank you!!

    No big name models walking the runway, as far as I know... but that would be exciting, wouldn't it?! XD
